She's back!
Some time back, I pointed you to my sister's newly-released novel, Foreclosed: A Mitzy Neuhaus Mystery, readily available in both baperback and electronic versions. I'd like to think some of you bought it. Maybe you even liked it, and have been eagerly awaiting the sequel.
Your wait is over.
Eminent Domain: A Mitzy Neuhaus Mystery is now available for both the Kindle and the Nook, as well as any other gadgets that might be capable of the apps that both Amazon and Barnes and Noble have released. A paperback edition is due later this month, for anyone who still prefers ink on paper.
In the interests of full disclosure, I should mention that I was not one of Traci's advance readers this time out, and as a result all I know about this one is this:
You can't fight City Hall
Mitzy Neuhaus just wants to get back to business as usual, but "The Worst Economy Since The Great Depression" has slowed her real estate business to a near standstill. And she can't spare any more time or money for the ailing agency until she has rehabilitated the old Victorian on Baltimore street into a B&B that can pay its own way.
As the tale unfolds, the excessive interest of the FBI, city planners, and possibly organized crime, threaten to derail Mitzy's career, romance & way of life.
I also know that the series has a new cover designer, someone with a pretty good eye that doesn't get to use that particular skillset nearly as often as I'd like.
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